Grand theft auto 5 pc

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Subscribe to my free weekly content round-up newsletter, God Rolls. We’ll see.įollow me on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. I’m mostly curious to see how it looks on the new consoles, though I imagine it may not be that much different than current high-end PC settings. No telling what bonuses “rebuying” GTA 5 for the second or third time on PS5 or Xbox Series X may get existing players. Plus they’re working on the technical end of all these remasters and re-releases. Rockstar is working on GTA 6, but reportedly it’s still in the early phases, given that they have been able to rely on GTA 5 as a massive revenue generator for so long, so they have continued to focus on making content for GTA Online more or less non-stop for nearly a decade. Rockstar also teased something coming for GTA 3’s anniversary, but it seems like that’s probably not going to be the remaster some have been hoping for and may instead just be something tied into GTA Online. at 60 million copies, because others like Minecraft or Tetris or PUBG have been priced much, much cheaper since launch.

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The next comparable title might be the original Super Mario Bros. Absolutely no other AAA game in history is even close to GTA 5’s sales.